Las Aquadas, Ozamis City

FH Contact Number(s):

+6388 521-0018, +6388 521-2379

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9 Responses to FAITH HOSPITAL

  1. Mary Rose Cabarse says:

    Hello po, good evening ask lang po kong may schedule po kayo ng ob-gyne bukas po?


    Mayroon po bang availble na neurologist bukas? May 6, 2024

  3. Marvi Bongo says:

    Ask ko lang po if hiring po kau nursing assistant fresh graduate..thanks

  4. Michelle Comcom Paje says:

    Where can i pass my resume applying for nursing assistant

  5. Vickie Lee Mediamar says:

    Hi..Faith Hospital..magtanong lang Po Ako kng mayroon Po bang (VCUG) sa Faith Hospital para Po sa anak ko.

  6. Ramelito Magdadaro says:

    Hi is faith hospital available for cobid-19 PCR test? If yes. How much ? And how long… please advice….

  7. tarhata t. salem says:

    do you have ct stonogram and how much? thnk you

  8. jingkie gandamon says:

    please give me a smart number of the hospital so that i can call because i have very important to ask about the neurologist doctor coz my husband need to see the neurologist doctor… please please help me.

  9. Joergen Andersen says:

    I want to know how much the hospital bill is for Dinah Jumuad and how to pay her bill. Thank you for your promt reply. Kind regards, Joergen Andersen